I M Pei's Unbuilt Hyperboloid enhancement by Dynamo

The Project 2 is a continuation of the ARCH 653 project. This time, the functionality of the Project 1 Revit model was enhanced using the visual programming extension called Dynamo. The purpose of Dynamo for this project was to: Use Dynamo to enter the height and scale parameters in order to control the entire mass containing all the families. Coloring of the facade: Simple coloring of the facade Create a facade based on an Impressionist painting. Assign color to the building facade based on the sun's position. The earlier model of Project 1 was improved upon in order to make the mass more 'parametric'. After that the dynamo work was attended to. The mass was brought to a project and dynamo scripting was done without adding the floors, roof and walls. This made the model flexible to changes. CONTROL OF BUILDING DIMENSIONS Using Dynamo, we can control the height and the scale of the model. The integer slider was used to control the determin...